agosto 2015 archive


Street style, Trumpet Sleeve Romper, playsuit, floral print, white sneakers, casual chic

With this post of Lappeenranta, we reach the end of my trip to Finland. Most all of the photos that I show you today were took in the Salpalinjan Hovi Hotel , the tale house that I told you about in my previous post of Finland. The rest are a collection of pictures that I took during the trip and haven’t been able to show you, I hope you like them!I really have a crash on this Trumpet Sleeve Romper that I show you today, from Lookbook Store, don’t you love it too? as we still had to keep visiting the area, I wore it with my white sneakers, but I will also rock it for sure with a pair of high heels or flat sandals 😉


P.S: Don’t forget that, as always, you can follow my adventures on snapchat, twitter, facebook & instagram, always as «wearwild» ^_^

Con este post de Lappeenranta, llegamos al final de nuestro viaje a Finlandia. Casi todas las fotos que os traigo hoy son en el Hotel Salpalinjan Hovi, la casita de cuento de la que os hablaba en el post anterior de Finlandia ^_^. El resto son un recopilatorio de fotos que fui haciendo y todavía no os había enseñado, ¡espero que os gusten!El mono de flores que llevo en las fotos me tiene loca, es de Lookbook Store, ¿no os parece ideal? como todavía teníamos que seguir pateando la zona, yo me puse unas deportivas blancas, pero con tacones o sandalias  también quedan genial ^_^ asi que me lo volveréis a ver por aquí seguro 😉

¡Un besote desde Ibiza! No olvidéis que, como siempre podéis seguir mis aventuras en snapchat, twitter, facebook e instagram, siempre bajo el nombre «wearwild» ^_^

Street style, Trumpet Sleeve Romper, playsuit, floral print, white sneakers, casual chic

Finland, LAPPEENRANTA, flowers, nature, trees

Finland, LAPPEENRANTA, flowers, nature, trees, boat

Street style, Trumpet Sleeve Romper, playsuit, floral print, white sneakers, casual chic

Finland, LAPPEENRANTA, flowers, nature, trees

Street style, Trumpet Sleeve Romper, playsuit, floral print, white sneakers, casual chic

Street style, Trumpet Sleeve Romper, playsuit, floral print, white sneakers, casual chic

Finland, LAPPEENRANTA, flowers, nature, trees

Street style, Trumpet Sleeve Romper, playsuit, floral print, white sneakers, casual chic

Finland, LAPPEENRANTA, flowers, nature, trees

Street style, Trumpet Sleeve Romper, playsuit, floral print, white sneakers, casual chic

Finland, LAPPEENRANTA, flowers, nature, trees

Street style, Trumpet Sleeve Romper, playsuit, floral print, white sneakers, casual chic

Finland, LAPPEENRANTA, flowers, nature, trees

Street style, Trumpet Sleeve Romper, playsuit, floral print, white sneakers, casual chic

Sneakers/Zapatillas: STRADIVARIUS (similar here)

Bag/Bolso: PRIMARK (similar here)
Belt/Cinturón: LA REDOUTE
Ankle brace/Tobillera: COMPLEMENTOS 3 LOVE

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Street style, autumn trends, la redoute hiver 15, moccasins, culotte pants, bow tie, burgundy hat,

Since my trip to Paris to discover the next collection of La Redoute, I was looking forward to show you a preview of what you are going to find on their site. So, even if we still are in the middle of august, today I’m coming up with a total look from La Redoute, I have a crash on it, I’m looking forward to be able to use it <3To be honest, before starting to collaborate with La Redoute, I didn’t had a clear idea to what was the brand doing right now, I just knew they used to sell just by catalog a while ago… </3 but now that I’m discovering a lot of them, I like it more day by day! and I don’t say this just because now I’m one of their ambassadors, not even because they send me my favorite clothes for free, no, I say it for the quality of their clothing, because I can find trending clothes with the frech-chic touch that characterizes them, and because it is the perfect alternative to keep on shopping without being a clone latter… ^_^

Today I show you, a tomboy outfit. The focus, it’s on the grey color of the culotte pants, a grey that will definitely be the star this autumn/winter, La Redoute offer infinity options of  grey clothing to combine them together, long life to grey, the new black! <3

The moccasins with mexican details, were a total crush, actually, i made the hole outfit to be able to wear them haha, in addition to being so comfortable, they are a safe bet that brings a mix of male, and elegant touches that contrast with the femininity of the blouse with maxi bow. What do you think of my outfit? : D Are you also already making your wishlist for this autumn-winter? So, don’t miss this oportunity, now, in La Redoute, they have 20% discount on the new collection!, just introduce the code «8051» on the checkout 🙂


Desde que viajé a Paris para conocer la próxima colección de La Redoute, tenía muchísimas ganas de enseñaros un adelanto de lo que vais a poder encontrar. Asi que, a pesar de que estemos en pleno agosto ^_^, hoy os traigo un total look de La Redoute que me tiene enamorada y estoy deseando poder usar.Para ser sincera, antes de empezar a colaborar con La Redoute, no tenía una idea clara del enfoque que se le estaba dando hoy en día a la marca, me quedé en que vendían por catálogo y poco más…</3 pero ahora, cada vez que descubro más cosas de ellos, ¡más me gustan! y no lo digo solo porque ahora sea una de sus embajadoras, ni porque me envíen mis prendas preferidas gratis, no, lo digo por la calidad de sus prendas, porque encuentro cosas de tendencia con ese toque chic-francés que les caracteriza y porque es la alternativa perfecta para dejar de comprar en las mismas tiendas y ser clones.

Yo os propongo, un look estilo tomboy. Como protagonista, el color gris de los pantalones culotte, un gris que sin duda va a ser la estrella este otoño-invierno, en La Redoute nos ofrecen una infidad de prendas para que las combinemos entre si, ¡larga vida al gris, será el «nuevo negro»!

Los mocasines con detalle mejicano, fueron un flechazo total, de hecho, el look esta basado en poder ponermelos si o si haha, además de ser comodísimos, son una apuesta segura que aporta una mezcla de toques elegantes y masculinos, que contrastan con la feminidad de la blusa con maxi lazo. ¿Qué os parece mi outfit? 😀 ¿Vosotras también estáis haciendo vuestra wishlist para este otoño-invierno? Pues atentas, porque ahora ¡en La Redoute tienen un 20% de descuento! en la nueva colección introduciendo el código «8051» al terminar la compra

¡Un besote enorme!

P.D: Podéis estar tranquilas no me desmayé de calor haciendo las fotos, aprovechamos que el sabado estaba nublado y… ¡sigo viva! haha

Street style, autumn trends, la redoute hiver 15, moccasins, culotte pants, bow tie, burgundy hat,

Street style, autumn trends, la redoute hiver 15, moccasins, culotte pants, bow tie, burgundy hat,

Street style, autumn trends, la redoute hiver 15, moccasins, culotte pants, bow tie, burgundy hat,
Street style, autumn trends, la redoute hiver 15, moccasins, culotte pants, bow tie, burgundy hat,
Street style, autumn trends, la redoute hiver 15, moccasins, culotte pants, bow tie, burgundy hat,

Street style, autumn trends, la redoute hiver 15, moccasins, culotte pants, bow tie, burgundy hat,

Street style, autumn trends, la redoute hiver 15, moccasins, culotte pants, bow tie, burgundy hat,

Street style, autumn trends, la redoute hiver 15, moccasins, culotte pants, bow tie, burgundy hat,

Street style, autumn trends, la redoute hiver 15, moccasins, culotte pants, bow tie, burgundy hat,

Street style, autumn trends, la redoute hiver 15, moccasins, culotte pants, bow tie, burgundy hat,

Street style, autumn trends, la redoute hiver 15, moccasins, culotte pants, bow tie, burgundy hat,

Street style, autumn trends, la redoute hiver 15, moccasins, culotte pants, bow tie, burgundy hat,

Culotte pants /Pantalones culotte: LA REDOUTE
Blouse/Blusa: LA REDOUTE

Moccasins/Mocasines: LA REDOUTE
Belt/Cinturón: LA REDOUTE

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Street style, sneakers, high waisted pants, long trench vest, casual outfit, sneakers outfit

We are about to reach the end of my trip to Finland. During our seventh day, we started our way back to Helsinki, but not without stoping on some spots before 🙂 .We went through Punkaharju, located in a very close strip of land between Puruvesi Lake and Pihlajavesi Lake. You can’t leave the area without exploring the surroundings of the Finnish forest Museum, where are the highest trees in Finland, as pine trees up to 40 m, incredible! We stopped on a service road to take some photos of the outfit of the day and to eat picnic, who can resist to these views? It was a total calm spot, so peaceful. From there we went to Imatra, this city is famous for its rapids, every day there is a show at 18.00 h to see how the rapids go down, with some music as well, it lasts 40 minutes, in our opinion, it was okey to see if it’s on your way, (but nothing else;). We did night in Lappeenranta, in Salpalinjan Hovi Hotel, a little lovely house which I will show in the next and last post of Finland.

This time I wore a comfortable look, black high-waisted pants and white basic tee, but the long fluid trench vest gives a different touch to the outfit, don’t you think? 🙂


Ya llegamos al final de mi viaje por Finlandia. Durante nuestro séptimo día, empezamos la vuelta hacia Helsinki, pero no sin antes hacer alguna paradas :).Pasamos por Punkaharju, situado en una franja estrechisima de tierra entre el lago Puruvesi y el lago Pihlajavesi. No te puedes ir de allí sin explorar la zona del Museo del bosque finlandés, donde están los árboles más altos de Finlandia, como pinos de hasta 40m, ¡increíble! Aprovechamos para parar en una via de servicio para hacer algunas fotos del look y comer tipo picnic, ¿quién puede resistirse a estas vistas? era paz en estado puro, calma total. Desde allí fuimos a Imatra, esta ciudad es famosa por sus rápidos, todos los días hay un espectáculo a las 18.00h para ver como bajan los rápidos al abrir las compuertas de las presas, lo amenizan con una música de fondo y dura 40 minutos, en nuestra opinión, no merece un desvío de la ruta, si pasas por allí está bien verlo, pero sin más ;). Nosotras hicimos noche en Lappeenranta, en el Hotel Salpalinjan Hovi, una casita de cuento que os enseñaré en el próximo y último post de Finlandia ^_^

En esta ocasión opté por un look cómodo, pantalones de tiro alto negros y camiseta básica blanca, pero el maxi chaleco tipo gabardina le da un toque distinto, ¿no os parece? 🙂

¡Un besito!

finland, travel, punkaharju, Sanvolina, Imatra , Lappeenranta, forest, nature, lake

Street style, sneakers, high waisted pants, long trench vest, casual outfit, sneakers outfit

Finland, punkharju, Street style, sneakers, high waisted pants, long trench vest, casual outfit, sneakers outfit

finland, travel, punkaharju, Sanvolina, Imatra , Lappeenranta, forest, nature, lake

Street style, sneakers, high waisted pants, long trench vest, casual outfit, sneakers outfit

details, fashion, watch, daniel welington, flowers

Street style, sneakers, high waisted pants, long trench vest, casual outfit, sneakers outfit

finland, travel, punkaharju, Sanvolina, Imatra , Lappeenranta, forest, nature, lake

Street style, sneakers, high waisted pants, long trench vest, casual outfit, sneakers outfit

street style, trend, sneakers, chic, snake, uterqüe, black sneakers

finland, travel, punkaharju, Sanvolina, Imatra , Lappeenranta, forest, nature, lake

Street style, sneakers, high waisted pants, long trench vest, casual outfit, sneakers outfit

finland, travel, punkaharju, Sanvolina, Imatra , Lappeenranta, forest, nature, lake

finland, travel, punkaharju, Sanvolina, Imatra , Lappeenranta, forest, nature, lake

Street style, sneakers, high waisted pants, long trench vest, casual outfit, sneakers outfit

finland, travel, punkaharju, Sanvolina, Imatra , Lappeenranta, forest, nature, lake

Street style, sneakers, high waisted pants, long trench vest, casual outfit, sneakers outfit

Pants/Pantalones: ZARA (similar here)
T-shirt/Camiseta: H&M (similar here)
Sneakers/Zapatillas: UTERQÜE (similar here)

Vest/Chaleco: GINA TRICOT (similar here)
Necklace/Collar: COMPLEMENTOS 3 LOVE
Belt/Cinturón: H&M (similar here)
Backpack/Mochila: AND OTHER STORIES (similar here)

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Street style, suede shirt, lace up blouse, high waisted jeans, round sunglasses, white sneakers

Our sixth day in Finland, we started in Savonlinna, with a one hour cruise through the Lakes of Saimaa that surround it. Savonlina, tale city, once again, with a nice harbour, and its corresponding market. If you are going to travel to Finland, do not miss the view of the city from the Sokos Hotel, they have a restaurant in the attic with priceless views.From Savonlinna to our hut (Lekotti Vacation Club) we stopped in a lovely village, Kerimäki. There you will find  largest wooden church in the world, very nice, although this wasn’t what we most liked:). Walking through the town we found a wonderful huge Lake, with small boats supported by the seashore, ready to make our million photos, hehe. And to top off the day, we stopped in the middle of the forest, and (although if we were literally devoured by mosquitoes), we enjoy the sunset in the middle of nature, really, I will stay there for ever…

This day I chose a spring outfit, with my lace-up blouse and my suede shirt from La Redoute, (wait to see the DIY that I’m preparing for you with it), and how not, my high-waisted jeans and my white sneakers (I swear I took more shoes with me to the trip haha, but they are too comfortable…! ^_^)

I hope you enjoy the pictures and the outfits that I chose for my vacation, where have you been in your holidays? Tell me!!, my head is already thinking about the next destination! hihi


Nuestro sexto día en Finlandia, lo empezamos con un crucero de una hora que comenzaba en Savonlinna y recorría los lagos de Saimaa que la rodean. Savonlina, es una ciudad de cuento, una vez más con un puerto como protogaonista, y con su mercado correspondiente ^_^. Si vas a viajar a Finlandia, no te pierdas las vistas de la ciudad desde el Hotel Sokos, tienen una cafetería en el ático que no tiene desperdicio.Desde Savonlinna hacia nuestra cabaña paramos en un pueblo monisimo, Kerimaki. Allí está la catedral de madera mas grande del mundo, muy bonita, aunque esto no fue lo que más nos gustó :). Investigando las calles del pueblo dimos con un maravilloso lago inmenso, con barquitas apoyadas junto a la orilla, listas para hacer nuestro millón de fotos hehe. Y para rematar el día, paramos en medio del bosque y, (aunque nos devoraron literalmente los mosquitos), disfrutamos del atadecer en medio de la naturaleza, daba ganas de quedarse a vivir allí para siempre… ^_^

Este día elegí un look más primaveral, con mi blusa de cordones y mi camisa de antelina de La Redoute, la verdad le estoy dando muchísimo uso, (ya veréis el DIY que os tengo preparado con ella ^_^), como no, unos vaqueros de tiro alto y zapatillas blancas (juro que llevé más zapatos al viaje haha), son taaan cómodas…!

Espero que os gusten las fotos y los outfits que elegí para mis vacaciones, ¿vosotras dónde os habéis ido? ^_^ ¡Contarme, que mi cabeza ya está pensando en el próximo destino! hihi

Un besote enorme!!

Finland, Savonlinna, Kerimaki, forest, trees, nature

Street style, suede shirt, lace up blouse, high waisted jeans, round sunglasses, white sneakers

Finland, Savonlinna, Kerimaki, boat, harbour, lake

Finland, Savonlinna, Kerimaki, boat, harbour, lake

Finland, Savonlinna, forest, nature, Street style, suede shirt, lace up blouse, high waisted jeans, round sunglasses, white sneakers

Street style, suede shirt, lace up blouse, high waisted jeans, round sunglasses, white sneakers

Finland, Savonlinna, boat, criuse, lake, nature

Finland, Savonlinna, Kerimaki, church, forest, trees, nature

Street style, suede shirt, lace up blouse, high waisted jeans, round sunglasses, white sneakers

Finland, Savonlinna, Kerimaki, forest, trees, nature

Finland, Savonlinna, Kerimaki, forest, trees, nature, food

Street style, suede shirt, lace up blouse, high waisted jeans, round sunglasses, white sneakers

Finland, Savonlinna, boat, criuse, lake, nature

Finland, Savonlinna, Kerimaki, forest, trees, nature, boat

Street style, suede shirt, lace up blouse, high waisted jeans, round sunglasses, white sneakers

Finland, Savonlinna, observatory

Finland, Kerimaki, forest, trees, nature, boat, harbour

Finland, Savonlinna, forest, nature, Street style, suede shirt, lace up blouse, high waisted jeans, round sunglasses, white sneakers

Finland, Savonlinna, boat, criuse, lake, nature

Street style, suede shirt, lace up blouse, high waisted jeans, round sunglasses, white sneakers

White shirt/Camisa blanca: ZARA (similar here)
Suede shirt/Camisa antelina: LA REDOUTE

Jeans/Vaqueros: ZARA (similar here)
Sneakers/Zapatillas: STRADIVARIUS (similar here)
Watch/Reloj: DANIEL WELLINGTON (similar here)
Sun glasses/Gafas de sol: ?? (similar here)
Rings/Anillos: MINT & COAST

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street style, fringes, fringed jacket, suede jacket, high waisted jeans, studded boots, crop top, black hat, nature, finland, lakes, kuopio

During the fifth day of our trip to Finland we keep on visiting the lakes area. This time we move to Varkaus, stopping whenever we were able to make some pictures that could reflect (minimally) the amazing nature that we were seeing hehe, tale wooden houses, calm lakes, endless forests… We did picnic on a bench of a lake that seemed that was reserved just for us. After eating, we went to Kuopio, where, from the Torni Tower (€6 entry), you were able to see the lakes and the islands from the top. Even just to go the observatory, Kuopio deserves a visit.This day, I was cautious and I took my black hat with me, just in case it started to rain, (as it did) hehe. I chose a cowboy outfit haha, or so is how I felt with my fringed jacket and my studded boots, in the midle of the nature and the forests ^_^

Hope you enjoy the pictures of my trip to Finland!!


Durante el quinto día de nuestro viaje a Finlandia seguimos recorriendo la zona de los lagos. Esta vez nos desplazamos hasta Varkaus, parando siempre que podíamos para poder hacer alguna foto que reflejara (minimamente) el empacho de naturaleza que nos estábamos pegando jeje, casitas de madera de cuento, lagos en calma, bosques infinitos… incluso hicimos picnic en un banquito con vistas a un lago que parecía que nos habían reservado ^_^. Después de comer nos fuimos hasta Kuopio, donde, desde la Torre Torni (6€ la entrada), se veía los lagos y los islotes, aunque solo sea para ir al observatorio, Kuopio merece una visita, hasta que no lo ves desde arriba, no te haces a la idea de lo bonita que es la zona que estás recorriendo en carreteras.Este día, fui precavida y me llevé mi sombrero negro, para que la lluvía no me pillará por sorpresa jeje. Elegí un look cowboy haha, o así me sentía yo con mi cazadora de flecos y mis botines de tachuelas, en medio de la naturaleza y los bosques ^_^

¡¡Un besote enorme!! Espero que os estén gustando las fotos de mi viaje a Finlandia 🙂

nature, finland, lakes, kuopio, wooden house, trees, forest

street style, fringes, fringed jacket, suede jacket, high waisted jeans, studded boots, crop top, black hat, nature, finland, lakes, kuopio

street style, fringes, fringed jacket, suede jacket, high waisted jeans, studded boots, crop top, black hat, nature, finland, lakes, kuopio

nature, finland, lakes, kuopio, wooden house, trees, forest

street style, fringes, fringed jacket, suede jacket, high waisted jeans, studded boots, crop top, black hat, nature, finland, lakes, kuopio

street style, fringes, fringed jacket, suede jacket, high waisted jeans, studded boots, crop top, black hat, nature, finland, lakes, kuopio

nature, finland, lakes, kuopio, wooden house, trees, forest

nature, finland, lakes, kuopio, wooden house, trees, forest

street style, fringes, fringed jacket, suede jacket, high waisted jeans, studded boots, crop top, black hat, nature, finland, lakes, kuopio

street style, fringes, fringed jacket, suede jacket, high waisted jeans, studded boots, crop top, black hat, nature, finland, lakes, kuopio

street style, fringes, fringed jacket, suede jacket, high waisted jeans, studded boots, crop top, black hat, nature, finland, lakes, kuopio

nature, finland, lakes, kuopio, wooden house, trees, forest

street style, fringes, fringed jacket, suede jacket, high waisted jeans, studded boots, crop top, black hat, nature, finland, lakes, kuopio

nature, finland, lakes, kuopio, wooden house, trees, forest

street style, fringes, fringed jacket, suede jacket, high waisted jeans, studded boots, crop top, black hat, nature, finland, lakes, kuopio

nature, finland, lakes, kuopio, wooden house, trees, forest

street style, fringes, fringed jacket, suede jacket, high waisted jeans, studded boots, crop top, black hat, nature, finland, lakes, kuopio

Jacket/Chaqueta: SUITE BLANCO (old, similar here)
Pants/Pantalones: ZARA (old, similar here)

Boots/Botas: PRIMARK (old, similar here)
Crop top/Crop top: STRADIVARIUS (old, similar here)
Hat/Sombrero: H&M (old, similar here)
Necklace/Collar: COMPLEMENTOS 3 LOVE

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